Sonata cromática

Sonata cromática, 2005

Sonata cromática is a concert sound intervention consisting of the tuning of a piano in a concert situation.

This piece, along with Feedback bouquet, Entropía, Aplausos and Medios Vacíos encompasses a period of critical and conceptual exploration of the mass media and the spectacle’s forms of manipulation.

The instructions for presenting the piece in concert are as follows:

    • An untuned concert piano with amplification in all three registers (bass, middle and treble) and a piano tuner are required.
    • The piece must be programmed before the intermission or at the end of the concert.
    • When the turn of the piece arrives in the program, a tuner carrying his tools will enter the stage where the other musicians did.
    • The tuner will do his job as he normally does, but this time with an audience present in the room.
    • He will tune the notes he deems necessary regardless of the time it takes or the reaction of the audience.
    • An equalization that highlights the harmonic spectrum of the piano will be sought and reverberations should be used in the mixing of all three channels.
    • The amplification will be directed towards the public only so as not to hinder the work of the tuner.
    • The amplification and reverberations of the piano will increase as the piece progresses.
    • Once his work is finished, the tuner will thank the audience and leave the way he entered.
• The work must be announced in the program as follows: Sonata cromática para piano solo amplificado. Composer: Rogelio Sosa. At the piano: (the tuner's name)

Sonata cromática was premiered by the tuner Mauricio Hernández at the Blas Galindo auditorium of the Centro Nacional de las Artes, CENART in Mexico City as part of the Festival Internacional de Artes Electrónicas Transitio_MX_01 in 2005.

Listen to the live recording of Sonata Cromática here: