
Tout ce qu'on savait mais que nous ne pouvions pas exprimer, FoFA Gallery, Montreal, 2018.

Nodal, 2016

Nodal is a kinetic sound installation. 

This piece consists of five strings of several meters in length that vibrate in a darkened space. The strings are set in motion by electric motors controlled by the audio signals from five oscillators. In this way, the modulations of each oscillator not only vary the sound but also modify the frequency and amplitude of oscillation of each motor, generating dynamic vibration nodes that move with different shapes and speeds through the strings.

In Nodal, the acoustic and visual phenomena are synchronized and turned into an ever-changing and quasi-choreographic composition that explores the relationship between sound and movement, as well as the perception of sound mediated by its visualization and by the physical manifestation of its vibratory behavior.

The work was commissioned for the Entre Límites / Zwischen Grenzen exhibition curated by Carsten Seifarth, and has been exhibited at the Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien Museum in Berlin, the Laboratorio de Arte Alameda in Mexico City, the FoFA Gallery in Montreal and the Museo de la Ciudad de Querétaro.