
Ontological Drama no.3, Galería Cultura Surplus, 2015.

Entropía, 2007

This piece, along with Feedback bouquet, Aplausos, Medios vacíos and Sonata cromática encompasses a period of critical and conceptual exploration of the mass media and the spectacle’s forms of manipulation.

Entropía is an audiovisual piece consisting of 3 video projections and 6 audio channels documenting the execution of a sound entropy process.

The piece is made with the collaboration of an ensemble of musicians. The action is governed by a system of mimesis in which the musicians generate a collective improvisation based on the rules similar to those of the "Chinese whispers or telephone game”. The idea is to witness and hear how sound and musical information is transformed as it travels through a line of communication.

To perform the action, the musicians position themselves in a half circle while the conductor at the center whispers in the ear a sequence of verbal instructions to them. The indications are freely interpreted by the first musician who hears them and must try to transmit them to the next musician. In this way, the musical information begins to be transmitted through the chain of musicians in both directions of the circle. The result of the action is a self-generating composition that passes through two lines of communication in constant transformation.