
Reverberaciones, MUAC. 2017.

Un-balance, 2010

Un-balance is a mobile made of 6 sub-woofer type speakers. The fragile state of equilibrium of the hanging structure is slightly altered by the vibration of a multichannel electroacoustic work composed of low sinusoidal tones and home recordings of violent events made and donated by residents of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. The result is a sordid and dystopian soundscape-collage that highlights the tension experienced daily in Mexico’s Northern region.

The title of the piece plays on the double meaning of the word "imbalance" in English and "an evaluation" in Spanish. Un-balance was commissioned by the Rubin Center at the University of Texas at El Paso, UTEP, for the Grito (in)dependence exhibition curated by Kerry Doyle and Karla Jasso.

This piece is part of the collection of the Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo, MUAC, UNAM.

Listen to an excerpt of the installation's audio in stereo version:

Grito (in)dependence, UTEP Gallery, El Paso, Texas. 2010.